Forward Thinking Facility
Ensuring environmental sustainability through innovative solutions that protect our natural resources for future generations.

Waste is placed into lined cells, and compacted to the smallest practical volume using heavy equipment. When the waste height reaches between 4 and 6 feet (a “lift”), a layer of cover soil will be placed on top of the lift to reduce rainfall infiltration. The cells will be developed sequentially to minimize the area open at any one time. Any water that touches the waste will be handled as a waste product and disposed of in strict accordance with state regulation..
All waste received by PW will only be accepted if pre-approved in accordance with our Waste Acceptance Plan. This Plan requires careful evaluation and recommendation by CDPHE, and permitting by Weld County. As proposed, it will be routinely reviewed and updated using site-specific data generated from the incoming waste streams.
In addition to waste sampling, PW will track and record each load accepted from our customers. PW is required to provide safety training for all of our personnel.
For more information on the special industrial waste we accept, click here.

Innovative Design to Protect the Environment
Pawnee Waste’s (PW) innovative facility is designed to protect groundwater by the installation of a high-density polyethylene synthetic liner (60 mil HDPE), a geo-synthetic clay liner (GCL), a two-foot bentonite clay-enhanced soil liner (1×10 -7 cm/sec), and at least 20 feet of separation between the shallowest groundwater and waste.
PW will perform Electrical Leak Location (ELL) testing of its HDPE liner to ensure proper installation. ELL testing is required in other states and widely utilized because it is proven to be extremely effective in reducing the potential for liner leakage.
A comprehensive Monitoring Plan that strictly follows CDPHE requirements has already begun implementation and includes conducting routine groundwater monitoring of established monitoring wells located around the perimeter of the facility.
The facility will apply final cover soil in accordance with CDPHE standards that are designed to minimize penetration of rainfall into the waste long after the facility has been closed.
Financial instruments to cover the cost of closure and post-closure care are required prior to operation, and must be updated annually.
Designed to Exceed Regulatory Standards
Pawnee Waste’s liner design provides multiple safeguards to protect the environment. We have chosen to exceed CDPHE requirements because we are dedicated to providing the highest level of long-term security for our customers and the public.